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This function finds GHCN-D weather stations within a specified radius of a given location and/or matching a given name pattern using fuzzy matching, using the station data stored in the AWS-based GHCN package.


  lat = NULL,
  lon = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  name_pattern = NULL,
  max_distance = 0.5,
  max_stations = 10



Numeric. Latitude of the center point in decimal degrees.


Numeric. Longitude of the center point in decimal degrees.


Numeric. Search radius in kilometers.


Character. Pattern to search for in station names. Default is NULL.


Numeric. Maximum string distance for fuzzy matching. Default is 0.2.


Integer. Maximum number of stations to return. Default is 10.


A data.table containing information about nearby and/or name-matched stations, sorted by relevance and distance.


find_stations_aws(40.7128, -74.0060, 50)  # Nearby stations to New York City
#>              id latitude longitude elevation  state
#>          <char>    <num>     <num>     <num> <char>
#>  1: USC00305816  40.7106  -74.0142      25.3     NY
#>  2: USC00309580  40.7103  -74.0142      12.2     NY
#>  3: US1NYNY0078  40.7339  -73.9844       6.1     NY
#>  4: US1NYKN0025  40.6846  -73.9867       5.5     NY
#>  5: US1NJHD0023  40.7326  -74.0510      30.2     NJ
#>  6: USC00300958  40.6892  -73.9550      15.2     NY
#>  7: USC00284339  40.7419  -74.0572      41.1     NJ
#>  8: US1NYNY0082  40.7613  -73.9929      25.3     NY
#>  9: US1NYKN0059  40.6597  -73.9828      51.8     NY
#> 10: USC00304632  40.7333  -73.9333       3.0     NY
#>                               name gsn_flag hcn_crn_flag wmo_id geo_distance
#>                             <char>   <char>       <char> <char>        <num>
#>  1:                WORLD TRADE CTR                                  0.733160
#>  2:                WORLD TRADE CTR                                  0.744956
#>  3: STUYVESANT SQUARE PARK - NEW Y                                  2.969520
#>  4:                BROOKLYN 3.1 NW                                  3.532681
#>  5:            JERSEY CITY 1.6 NNE                                  4.385017
#>  6:                       BROOKLYN                                  5.036879
#>  7:                    JERSEY CITY                                  5.393001
#>  8: MATTHEWS PALMER PLAYGROUND - N                                  5.504740
#>  9:               BROOKLYN 2.4 WSW                                  6.220062
#> 10:                    LAUREL HILL                                  6.536863
find_stations_aws(40.7128, -74.0060, 50, name_pattern = "Central Prk")
#>        id latitude longitude elevation  state   name gsn_flag hcn_crn_flag
#>    <char>    <num>     <num>     <num> <char> <char>   <char>       <char>
#> 1:   <NA>       NA        NA        NA   <NA>   <NA>     <NA>         <NA>
#>    wmo_id name_distance geo_distance
#>    <char>         <num>        <num>
#> 1:   <NA>            NA           NA
find_stations_aws(lat = NULL, lon = NULL, radius = NULL, name_pattern = "JFK Airprt")
#> Error in find_stations_aws(lat = NULL, lon = NULL, radius = NULL, name_pattern = "JFK Airprt"): lat, lon, and radius must be numeric values